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Welcome from the Head Teacher

Welcome to Beddington Park Academy. Our school provides a safe, exciting and challenging learning environment where every child is encouraged to be the best that they can be.

Our school has a strong tradition of celebrating achievement and encouraging the children to be aspirational. Our weekly Celebration Assemblies are used to formally celebrate and reward children’s achievements in class and outside of school.

We also have our PUPAC reward system in school which promotes positive behaviour. At the end of the school year we have a range of cups and trophies which are presented in our Prize Giving Ceremony for academic achievement and citizenship.

Citizenship is a very important aspect of our school life. The Pupil Parliament represents pupil views and meets with the Headteacher, a Senior Teacher and a Governors regularly. Pupil voice is an important part of school life from EYFS to Y6. Children’s ideas for improving our school are discussed and acted upon.

We hope that the information and content on this site will give you an overview into the life and work of our school. If you require any further details please ring the school and we will be happy to help.

Mr Mukhtar
Head Teacher

Celebrating success

75% National (2023)
Multiplication Check
out of 25
20.4 National (2023)
Key Stage 2
73% (National) 2023
73% (National) 2023
71% (National) 2023
59% (National) 2023
Our students live the STEP values

Our values in action

Our students live the STEP values

Passion - Urgency - Positivity - Aspiration - Commitment to Anti-Racism