Sports days 

Sports days 

In June, our school celebrated our Sports Days.
Pupils thoroughly enjoyed the diverse events, including tennis-keepy-uppies, javelin throws and the absolutely thrilling 50-metre-sprint.
Every morning saw different years participating in different sports, enthusiastically demonstrating their talents and sportsmanship as the tense atmosphere was jolted by their peers chanting their name for victory.
Near the end, the pupils who ranked top competed for the title of “Winner of sports day” and in every race, the tension grew higher as perseverance; determination of the children pushed them to their limits as the final race commenced.
A highlight was the parent/guardian race where parents and guardians raced to see who was the fastest. This added a sheet of fun competition as every parent raced side by side to the anticipation and delight of the children.
Our gratitude is given to the brilliant Mr Kerwood, Mr March and Mr Songhurst for organising the events. In addition to this, we would like to commend the amazing Year 6 pupils who aided in the sports day for younger children; encouraging and helping them become their best. Your work and time will be remembered as it inspired everyone at the sports day. 
To conclude, Sports Days 2024 was an astounding success: filled with exhilarating and memorable moments; showing the value of teamwork and talent. We are pleased to say that we look forward to continuing the tradition of healthy competition in our next sports days.

By Montana - Year 6